Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Remake of the reservoir on the stream Sessera replacing the existing one, to overcome the recurrent water crises, improve water efficiency of existing reservoirs on Ravasanella and Ostola streams, ensuring the environmental enhancement of the area


(n.940) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
FASCICOLO F26 VEGETAZIONE, FAUNA, ECOSISTEMA E INCIDENZA Supplementary documentation F26 20/01/2012 - 23348 kB Metadata Download
FASCICOLO F27 VIABILITA' Supplementary documentation F27 20/01/2012 - 1064 kB Metadata Download
Relazione Verifica Preventiva di Interesse Archeologico Supplementary documentation RVPIA 20/01/2012 - 1936 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria generale con individuazione siti di interesse archeologico e definizione aree a rischio archeologico Supplementary documentation Carta-archeologica 20/01/2012 1:25.000 7536 kB Metadata Download
Piano di gestione delle terre e rocce da scavo Supplementary documentation Piano-Gestione-terre-scavo 20/01/2012 - 31377 kB Metadata Download
Piano di gestione dei sedimenti della diga Supplementary documentation Piano-Gestione-sedimenti 20/01/2012 - 3814 kB Metadata Download
DC012 Supplementary documentation DC12 20/01/2012 1:2.000 781 kB Metadata Download
DC042 Supplementary documentation DC42 20/01/2012 1:500 - 1:100 513 kB Metadata Download
DC044 Supplementary documentation DC44 20/01/2012 1:500 - 1:100 428 kB Metadata Download
All_2-Quadro_Riferim_Program EIA Report - Policy framework All-2-Quadro-Riferim-Program 07/01/2011 - 4679 kB Metadata Download