Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Infrastructural and operational upgrading project of the Brindisi Airport "Airport of Salento"


(n.45) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Elenco elaborati - Studio di impatto ambientale Lists of Project documents W514-011-EE-00 15/11/2011 - 301 kB Metadata Download
Relazione generale EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011-QPRM-00 15/11/2011 - 5776 kB Metadata Download
Inquadramento geografico EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011QPRM-01 15/11/2011 Varie 9367 kB Metadata Download
Inquadramento Territoriale EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011QPRM-02 15/11/2011 1:10.000 10742 kB Metadata Download
Piano della Mobilità - Area Vasta EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011QPRM-03 15/11/2011 1:25.000 12545 kB Metadata Download
P.U.T.T./P (Regione) - Ambiti Territoriali Estesi (indirizzi di tutela) EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011QPRM-04 15/11/2011 1:25.000 10782 kB Metadata Download
Aree protette EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011QPRM-05 15/11/2011 1:25.000 6321 kB Metadata Download
Piano Regolatore Generale (Vigente - 1980) EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011QPRM-06 15/11/2011 1:10.000 20394 kB Metadata Download
Vincoli e disciplina di tutela (ex PUTT/P) EIA Report - Policy framework W514-011QPRM-07 15/11/2011 1:10.000 3927 kB Metadata Download
Relazione generale EIA Report - Project design framework W514-011-QPGT-00 15/11/2011 - 8246 kB Metadata Download