Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Asse ferroviario Monaco - Verona. Galleria di Base del Brennero. Monitoraggio Ambientale Lotto Mules 2 e 3. Attività di cava presso l'area Genauen per estrazione di inerti


(n.15) Documents of the Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Elenco eleaborati elenco_elaborati.pdf Lists of Project documents elenco elaborati 08/07/2019 - 47 kB Metadata Download
Fotodocumentazione 12_02_H61_SG_850_UTB_B0130_72035_00-signed.pdf Administrative documentation 12-02-H61-SG-850-UTB-B0130-72035-00-signed 08/07/2019 - 9723 kB Metadata Download
Relazione tecnica 01_02_H61_SG_850_UTB_B0130_72030_00-signed.pdf Project documentation 01-02-H61-SG-850-UTB-B0130-72030-00-signed 08/07/2019 - 2191 kB Metadata Download
Relazione geologica e sismica 02_02_H61_SG_850_UTB_B0130_72036_00-signed.pdf Project documentation 02-02-H61-SG-850-UTB-B0130-72036-00-signed 08/07/2019 - 6216 kB Metadata Download
Estratto mappa - ortofoto - estratto del P.U.C. 03_02_H61_DB_300_KLP_B0130_51160_00_pdfA-signed.pdf Project documentation 03-02-H61-DB-300-KLP-B0130-51160-00-pdfA-signed 08/07/2019 1 : 1500 2315 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria esistente 04_02_H61_DB_300_KLP_B0130_51161_00_pdfA-signed.pdf Project documentation 04-02-H61-DB-300-KLP-B0130-51161-00-pdfA-signed 08/07/2019 1 : 1000 2730 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria esistente 05_02_H61_DB_300_KLP_B0130_51162_00_pdfA-signed.pdf Project documentation 05-02-H61-DB-300-KLP-B0130-51162-00-pdfA-signed 08/07/2019 1 : 1000 2721 kB Metadata Download
Sezioni 06_02_H61_DB_300_KQP_B0130_51163_00_pdfA-signed.pdf Project documentation 06-02-H61-DB-300-KQP-B0130-51163-00-pdfA-signed 08/07/2019 1 : 500 1631 kB Metadata Download
Sezioni tipo 07_02_H61_DB_300_KQP_B0130_51164_00-signed.pdf Project documentation 07-02-H61-DB-300-KQP-B0130-51164-00-signed 08/07/2019 1 : 100 1442 kB Metadata Download
Studio preliminare ambientale 08_02_H61_SG_850_UTB_B0130_72031_00-signed.pdf Project documentation 08-02-H61-SG-850-UTB-B0130-72031-00-signed 08/07/2019 - 2785 kB Metadata Download