Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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'Risoluzione interferenza elettrodotto a 380 kV "Villanova-Gissi" (EL-490). Verifica di assoggettabilità a Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale ai sensi dell'art.19 del D. Lgs.152/2006.


(n.33) Documents of the EIA Screening

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Inquadramento su ortofoto DGER18008AATS03329_00_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03329-00-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 4256 kB Metadata Download
Corografia di progetto con aree e piste di cantiere 1/2 DGER18008AATS03330_00_1di2_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03330-00-1di2-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 8080 kB Metadata Download
Corografia di progetto con aree e piste di cantiere 2/2 DGER18008AATS03330_00_2di2_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03330-00-2di2-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 8685 kB Metadata Download
PRP - Ambito 10 Fiumi Pescara, Tirino e Sagittario 1/2 DGER18008AATS03331_00_1di2_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03331-00-1di2-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 8408 kB Metadata Download
PRP - Ambito 10 Fiumi Pescara, Tirino e Sagittario 2/2 DGER18008AATS03331_00_2di2_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03331-00-2di2-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 8875 kB Metadata Download
Stralci del PRG di Cepagatti DGER18008AATS03332_00_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03332-00-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 24433 kB Metadata Download
Stralci del PRG di Chieti DGER18008AATS03333_00_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03333-00-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 15958 kB Metadata Download
Carta dei Vincoli 1/2 DGER18008AATS03334_00_1di2_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03334-00-1di2-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 8307 kB Metadata Download
Carta dei Vincoli 2/2 DGER18008AATS03334_00_2di2_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03334-00-2di2-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 8981 kB Metadata Download
Carta delle aree naturali protette e siti Rete Natura 2000 DGER18008AATS03335_00_signed-signed.pdf Project documentation DGER18008AATS03335-00-signed-signed 12/11/2021 - 11907 kB Metadata Download