Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Progetto di un impianto eolico denominato "Parco Eolico Mistral ", costituito da n. 6 aerogeneratori da 6,0 MW con una potenza complessiva pari a 36 MW, da realizzarsi nei comuni di Ittiri (SS) e Bessude (SS).


(n.177) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment (PNIEC-PNRR)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Aree con valore paesaggistico Art. 142 IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-019.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-019 06/03/2023 - 34376 kB Metadata Download
Aree con valore paesaggistico Art. 143 IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-020.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-020 06/03/2023 - 25310 kB Metadata Download
Carta dell'uso del suolo IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-021.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-021 06/03/2023 - 15207 kB Metadata Download
Aree incendiate IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-022.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-022 06/03/2023 - 48142 kB Metadata Download
Inquadramento su Delibera 59-90 del 27.11.2020 IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-023.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-023 06/03/2023 - 8713 kB Metadata Download
Inquadramento su Area vasta IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-024.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-024 06/03/2023 - 30843 kB Metadata Download
Inquadramento su Area a scala intermedia IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-025.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-025 06/03/2023 - 38127 kB Metadata Download
Carta dell'intervisibilità IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-026.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-026 06/03/2023 - 25215 kB Metadata Download
Carta delle ZVI - azimutale IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-027.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-027 06/03/2023 - 17233 kB Metadata Download
Carte delle ZVI - zenitale IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-028.pdf General documentation IT-VesMis-CLP-ENV-PGT-028 06/03/2023 - 17285 kB Metadata Download