Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
12585 |
31/05/2024 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
12585 |
Date of application submission: |
31/05/2024 |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
30/09/2024 |
EIA Decree number: |
MASE_VA_DEC_2024-0000306 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification date: |
10/10/2024 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2024-0183891 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
10808 |
22/12/2023 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
10808 |
Date of application submission: |
22/12/2023 |
Date of request for documents perfection : |
15/01/2024 |
Date of perfection proceedings documents receipt: |
19/01/2024 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
22/02/2024 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
04/07/2024 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
PRR 1119 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
26/07/2024 |
EIA Decree number: |
MASE_VA_DEC_2024-0000244 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification date: |
06/08/2024 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2024-0146285 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
10439 |
10/10/2023 |
Decision being prepared
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
10439 |
: |
Asse Ferroviario Monaco-Verona. Accesso Sud alla galleria di base del Brennero - Quadruplicamento della linea Fortezza-Verona: Lotto 1: Fortezza-Ponte Gardena. Parte B e contestuale Piano di utilizzo delle terre e rocce da scavo ex art. 9 DPR 120/2017 |
Date of application submission: |
10/10/2023 |
Date of request for documents perfection : |
04/12/2023 |
Date of perfection proceedings documents receipt: |
15/12/2023 |
Notification date: |
04/11/2024 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2024-0199962 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Decision being prepared
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
10416 |
03/10/2023 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
10416 |
: |
Asse ferroviario Monaco - Verona. Accesso sud alla galleria di base del Brennero. Quadruplicamento della linea "Fortezza-Verona". Sublotto funzionale 1: fluidificazione del traffico ed interconnessione con la rete esistente del lotto 1 Fortezza - Ponte Gardena. |
Date of application submission: |
03/10/2023 |
Notification date: |
22/07/2024 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2024-0135864 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
11258 |
18/03/2023 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
11258 |
: |
Asse ferroviario Monaco - Verona. Galleria di Base del Brennero. Lotto "Sottoattraversamento dell'Isarco": progetti di variante relativi allo stralcio dello smantellamento del campo base di Mezzaselva e delle opere di rinaturazione nell'area dell'ex campo di calcio di Fortezza |
Date of application submission: |
18/03/2023 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
06/09/2024 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
16 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
30/09/2024 |
EIA Decree number: |
MASE_VA_DEC_2024-0000303 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification date: |
10/10/2024 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2024-0183875 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
9239 |
01/12/2022 |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
9239 |
: |
Asse Ferroviario Monaco-Verona. Accesso Sud alla galleria di base del Brennero - Quadruplicamento della linea Fortezza-Verona: Lotto 1: Fortezza-Ponte Gardena. Parte A |
Date of application submission: |
01/12/2022 |
Notification date: |
06/08/2024 |
Notification Reference number: |
MASE_2024-0146290 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Barbara Mulattieri - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Pending the start of the enivronmental monitoring
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
7944 |
02/02/2022 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
7944 |
: |
Asse Ferroviario Monaco-Verona. Accesso Sud alla Galleria di Base del Brennero. Quadruplicamento della Linea Fortezza-Verona: Sub-lotto funzionale: fluidificazione dl traffico ed interconnessione con la rete esistente del Lotto1 Fortezza-Ponte Gardena. Approvazione del Progetto Esecutivo della Variante per la sistemazione del versante. Nuova istanza di revisione del decreto direttoriale prot. MATTM-DEC-2021-274 del 29/07/2021. |
Date of application submission: |
02/02/2022 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
01/04/2022 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
235 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
30/06/2022 |
EIA Decree number: |
MiTE_VA_DEC_2022-0000124 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification date: |
13/07/2022 |
Notification Reference number: |
MiTE-2022-0087640 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
6138 |
20/05/2021 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
6138 |
: |
Asse Ferroviario Monaco-Verona. Accesso Sud alla Galleria di Base del Brennero. Quadruplicamento della Linea Fortezza-Verona: Sub-lotto funzionale: fluidificazione dl traffico ed interconnessione con la rete esistente del Lotto1 Fortezza-Ponte Gardena. |
Date of application submission: |
20/05/2021 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
02/08/2021 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
06/07/2021 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
130 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Negativo |
Date of the EIA Decree: |
29/07/2021 |
EIA Decree number: |
MATTM_DEC_2021-0000274 |
EIA Decree outcome: |
Positivo |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Environmental Impact Assessment (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
4006 |
03/04/2018 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
4006 |
Transboundary consultations: |
Lotto 1 Fortezza-Ponte Gardena: varianti conseguenti all'ottemperanza alle prescrizioni formulate con l'approvazione del Progetto Definitivo |
Date of application submission: |
03/04/2018 |
Data avvio consultazione pubblica: |
09/04/2018 |
Deadline of submission of Public Comments: |
10/05/2018 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
09/04/2018 |
Date of integrations receipt: |
27/12/2018 |
Data comunicazione avvio nuova consultazione pubblica: |
27/02/2019 |
Republication date of the notice: |
27/02/2019 |
Deadline of submission of Public Comments on the republished project: |
29/03/2019 |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
3883 |
09/01/2018 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
3883 |
: |
Sub lotto funzionale "Fluidificazione del traffico ed interconnessione con la linea esistente" |
Date of application submission: |
09/01/2018 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
12/01/2018 |
Date of notification to the developer of the procedure outcomes: |
14/03/2018 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
02/03/2018 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
2666 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo |
Notification Reference number: |
DVA-DEC-2018-0000120 |
Outcome: |
Positivo |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Compliance (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
3162 |
26/10/2015 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
3162 |
: |
Progetto Definitivo del Lotto 1 "Fortezza - Ponte Gardena" |
Date of application submission: |
26/10/2015 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
28/10/2015 |
Date of integrations receipt: |
14/04/2016 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission on usage Plan: |
08/07/2016 |
Opinion number of the National Technical Commission on usage Plan: |
2118 |
Opinion outcome of the National Technical Commission on usage Plan: |
Approvato con prescrizioni |
Usage Plan Determination date: |
06/10/2016 |
Determination number on usage Plan: |
DVA-DEC-2016-0000293 |
Usage Plan Determination outcome: |
Approvato con prescrizioni |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
08/07/2016 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
2118 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Determination date: |
06/10/2016 |
Determination number: |
DVA-DEC-2016-0000293 |
Determination outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Responsible of the procedure: |
Carlo Di Gianfrancesco - tel. 0657225071 - 0657225070 - va-5@mite.gov.it |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
EIA Compliance (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
862 |
21/07/2011 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
862 |
: |
VO sulla Fluidificazione del traffico ed interconnessione con la linea esistente del lotto 1 Fortezza - Ponte Gardena. Prescrizioni della Delibera CIPE n.82 del 18/11/2010 |
Date of application submission: |
21/07/2011 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
25/08/2011 |
Date of request for integrations: |
07/10/2011 |
Date of integrations receipt: |
28/11/2011 |
Date of the Opinion of the National Technical Commission : |
08/06/2012 |
National Technical Commission Opinion number: |
957 |
National Technical Commission Opinion outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Determination date: |
18/07/2012 |
Determination number: |
DVA-2012-0017445 |
Determination outcome: |
Ottemperata |
Notes: |
Il Proponente, in data 27/09/2004, ha richiesto lo stralcio dal progetto in valutazione del lotto 3 riservandosi di inviare in una fase successiva il nuovo progetto preliminare completo dello Studio d'Impatto Ambientale. La Commissione ha ritenuto inoltre di non dover proseguire l'istruttoria per il lotto 4 in quanto l'allegato 2 della delibera CIPE n. 121 del 21/12/2001 non contempla, tra gli "interventi trasportistici" articolati per regione e costituenti la "griglia di priorità delle reti infrastrutturali", la sezione veneta della linea, parte della quale corrisponde al lotto 4. Inoltre tale lotto non evidenzia nesso di strumentalità con le opere dell'allegato 2 delibera CIPE n. 121 del 21/12/2001. |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |
Environmental Impact Assessment (Strategic works Law 443/2001) |
628 |
12/06/2003 |
Concluded |
Procedure details
Procedure Code (ID_VIP/ID_MATTM) |
628 |
Date of application submission: |
12/06/2003 |
Publication date of the notice in newspapers: |
10/06/2003 |
Deadline of submission of Public Comments: |
10/07/2003 |
Technical assessment starting date: |
13/04/2004 |
Date of request for integrations: |
13/05/2004 |
Date of integrations receipt: |
31/08/2004 |
Date of Special EIA Commission Opinion: |
08/02/2005 |
Special EIA Commission Opinion outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni per i lotti 1 e 2 |
Date of CIPE Deliberation: |
18/11/2010 |
CIPE Deliberation number : |
82 |
CIPE Deliberation outcome: |
Positivo con prescrizioni per il lotto 1 |
Publication date of CIPE Deliberation in the Italian Republic Official Journal : |
16/03/2011 |
Italian Republic Official Journal number : |
62 |
Stage of the Procedure: |
Concluded |