Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Integrated and coordinated procedures


Plans/Programmes (55)

Plan/Program Developer
Management Plan of the State Nature Reserve "Abbadia di Fiastra" Fondazione Giustiniani Bandini info Plan documents
Infrastructures Appendix ("Allegato Infrastrutture") to the Economic and Financial Document Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti info Plan documents
Management Plan of the State Nature Reserve "Roman coast" Commissario ad acta Vito Consoli info Plan documents
Flood Risk Management Plan of the hydrographic district of Sicilia Regione Sicilia info Plan documents
Flood Risk Management Plan of the Central Apennines District Autorità di Bacino Fiume Tevere info Plan documents
Flood Risk Management Plan of the hydrographic district of the River Po Autorità di bacino del fiume Po info Plan documents
Operational Programme European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (PO FEAMP) 2014-2020 Ministero delle Politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali info Program documents
Basin Plan of the Tiber River. V functional extract for urban section from Castel Giubileo to the river mouth (PS5). Updating Autorità di Bacino Fiume Tevere info Plan documents
Flood Risk Management Plan of the Northern Apennines District Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Arno info Plan documents
Flood Risk Management Plan of the hydrographic district of Sardegna Autorità di Bacino Regionale della Sardegna info Plan documents