Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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SEA Decisions


Results (73)

Plan/Program Developer Date and number Outcome
Basin Plan of the Tiber River. V functional extract for urban section from Castel Giubileo to the river mouth (PS5). Updating Autorità di Bacino Fiume Tevere 09/10/2017
DM 0000257
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Water Balance Plan of the hydrographic district of the River Po Autorità di bacino del fiume Po 03/08/2017
Archiviato Info Plan and procedures documents Download
National Electricity Transmission Grid 2013, 2014 and 2015 Development Plans Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. 16/06/2017
DM 0000159
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Flood Risk Management Plan of the hydrographic district of Sicilia Regione Sicilia 14/03/2017
DM 0000058
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Infrastructures Appendix ("Allegato Infrastrutture") to the Economic and Financial Document Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti 23/09/2016
DM 0000251
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Flood Risk Management Plan of the hydrographic district of the River Po Autorità di bacino del fiume Po 29/04/2016
DM 0000107
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Flood Risk Management Plan of the hydrographic district of Sardegna Autorità di Bacino Regionale della Sardegna 29/04/2016
DM 0000108
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Management Plan of the hydrographic district of the River Po Autorità di bacino del fiume Po 27/04/2016
DM 0000103
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Flood Risk Management Plan of the Southern Apennines hydrographic district Autorità di Bacino dei fiumi Liri-Garigliano e Volturno 07/04/2016
DM 0000086
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download
Flood Risk Management Plan of the Central Apennines District Autorità di Bacino Fiume Tevere 02/03/2016
DM 0000049
Positivo Info Plan and procedures documents Download