Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Screening determinations


Results (850)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
Variation of the plant for the production of the well "San Teodoro 1 dir A" with alternative connection to the Basengas pipeline Canoel Italia S.r.l. 04/12/2018
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New ground torch system subject to the steam cracking system, called P1CR, of the Brindisi plant VERSALIS S.p.A. 03/12/2018
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Centrale nucleare di Caorso - Modalità di gestione alternativa dei rifiuti radioattivi pregressi, mediante lo stoccaggio transitorio in aree appositamente individuate in sito SOGIN S.p.A. 30/11/2018
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Canale Canneto nel Comune di Fondi - Concessione di aree demaniali afferenti al demanio fluviale e relativo specchio acqueo per la realizzazione di pontili per attracco imbarcazioni da diporto ESA Global s.c.a.r.l. 29/11/2018
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Bologna Airport - 2009-2023 Masterplan ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile 26/11/2018
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Extraordinary maintenance of the Termoli (CB) combined-cycle power plant Snowstorm S.r.l. 26/11/2018
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48,75 MWt reserve thermal power plant in the municipality of Leinì (TO) Engie Servizi S.p.A. 30/10/2018
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Installation of a new thermal power plant with endothermic engines with a total capacity of 148 MWt in the municipality of Melfi (PZ) Snowstorm S.r.l. 29/10/2018
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Port of Gioia Tauro - Works to complete the north side of Ponente dock Autorità Portuale di Gioia Tauro 25/10/2018
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A4 motorway - Plan for Road Safety - Construction of 2 parking areas for heavy vehicles - Fratta nord and Fratta sud parking areas Commissario delegato per l'emergenza della mobilità riguardante l'A4 (tratto Venezia-Trieste) ed il raccordo Villesse-Gorizia 15/10/2018
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