Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Screening determinations


Results (850)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
New overhead connection from the 132 kV T.919/920 "Rosone - Torino Sud-Ovest" power line to the primary substation of Balangero Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. 30/11/2017
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850 MWe combined cycle thermal power plant in Presenzano and related works EDISON S.p.A. 22/11/2017
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Rationalization of the 220 kV electricity grid in the area of Turin - 220 kV underground power line T.213 "Pianezza-Grugliasco" and 220 kV overhead power lines T.216 "Rosone-Pianezza" and T.231 "Piossasco-Pianezza" in input to E.S. of Pianezza Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. 15/11/2017
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Modifications to the power lines: double circuit 380 kV Tuscania-Villavalle and Villavalle-Villanova; 220 kV Villavalle-Pietrafitta; 150 kV Villavalle-San Gemini; 150 kV Villavalle-Acquasparta Terna S.p.A. 14/11/2017
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Changes to the 132 kV overhead power line "S. Barbara-Rignano", "S. Barbara-S. Giovanni" and "S. Barbara-Pirelli" Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. 14/11/2017
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Construction of the new layout for the trackwork plan in the Port of Trieste Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale - Porto di Trieste 20/10/2017
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Refinery of Sannazzaro de' Burgondi (PV) - Restoration of the Slurry section of the EST plant ENI S.p.A. - Divisione Refining & Marketing 12/10/2017
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150 kV overhead double-circuit power transmission line between "Canino Arlena" power line and "Elettrica Tuscania" electrical substation Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. 27/09/2017
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Naples Capodichino Airport - Master Plan Aeroporto Internazionale Napoli - Capodichino GE.S.A.C. S.p.A. 26/09/2017
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Changes in the configuration of thermal power plant ROSEN in the municipality of Rosignano Marittimo (LI) Cogeneration Rosignano S.p.A. 14/09/2017
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