Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects - EIA: Search by procedure

Projects (8556)

Project Developer Procedure
Plant of Sarroch (CA) - New oil storage facilities ST209 and ST210 Sarlux S.r.l. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Impianto Cemex di solidificazione di rifiuti radioattivi liquidi e deposito manufatti di III categoria dell'Eurex di Saluggia (VC) SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
380kV double circuit power line Chiaramonte Gulfi - Ciminna and related works Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Start of production of the gas well Santa Maria Nuova 003 dir a Gas Plus Italiana S.p.A. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Functional technical adjustment works of the Port of Salerno master plan: increased deepening of the port seabed - Managing of dredged sediments by direct immersion in sea areas outside the continental shelf Autorità Portuale di Salerno EIA Screening info Project documents
Interventions for the technical and functional adaptation of the Commercial Port of Salerno Autorità Portuale di Salerno EIA Compliance info Project documents
Sealine and buoys for unloading diesel and petrol tankers off the port of Pescara Abruzzo Costiero S.r.l. EIA Compliance info Project documents
A4 motorway (Venezia-Trieste section) Plan for motorway safety - Adjustment of the access runway to the motorway - I functional lot Commissario delegato per l'emergenza della mobilità riguardante l'A4 (tratto Venezia-Trieste) ed il raccordo Villesse-Gorizia EIA Screening info Project documents
Centrale Termoelettrica da 2640 MW di Torrevaldaliga Nord nel Comune di Civitavecchia (RM) ENEL S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
High speed road between Milan and Brescia Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde S.p.A. EIA Follow-up (Strategic works Law 443/2001) info Project documents