Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects - EIA: Search by procedure

Projects (8556)

Project Developer Procedure
Castrovillari - Melizzano DN 1200 (48") 75 bar gas pipeline variant SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. EIA Screening info Project documents
Sealine and buoys for unloading diesel and petrol tankers off the port of Pescara Abruzzo Costiero S.r.l. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Port of Cagliari - Construction of the Ro-Ro terminal in the canal harbour. First functional lot Autorità Portuale di Cagliari Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Interventions for the dredging of 2.3 million cubic meters of sediment in the Molo Polisettoriale (multipurpose pier) and works for the reclaimed land functional to the expansion of the Fifth Jut of the Port of Taranto Commissario Straordinario del Porto di Taranto EIA Compliance info Project documents
Attività di decommissioning disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito Impianto nucleare di Trino (VC) SOGIN S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Napoli-Bari railway line. Doubling track Cancello-Benevento - I Lot Cancello-Frasso Telesino and Variant to historical Rome-Naples railway via Cassino in the Municipality of Maddaloni RFI S.p.A. Environmental Impact Assessment (Strategic works Law 443/2001) info Project documents
Hydrocarbons exploitation concession "Colle Santo" - Development plan CMI Energia S.p.A. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Napoli-Bari railway line. Doubling track Cancello-Benevento - I Lot Cancello-Frasso Telesino and Variant to historical Rome-Naples railway via Cassino in the Municipality of Maddaloni Italferr S.p.A. Environmental Impact Assessment (Strategic works Law 443/2001) info Project documents
Elettrodotto 380 kV semplice terna tra l'esistente stazione elettrica 380/220/132 kV di Colunga e l'esistente stazione elettrica 380/132 kV di Calenzano Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. EIA Screening info Project documents
Salerno - Costa d'Amalfi Airport. Short-medium term Master Plan ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents