Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects (5560)

Project Developer Last Procedure
Nuovo All.to Azienda Gas di Taranto e annesso Ricollegamento All.to ENI R&M di Taranto e metanodotto in dismissione SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Tourist port of Ventimiglia. Variant 3 Cala del forte S.r.l. Preliminary assessment info Project documents
SS 195 "Sulcitana" - Adjustment of the road S. Giovanni Suergiu-Giba from km 91+100 to km 94+600. SS 293 "di Giba" - Securing Giba-Nuxis road from km 60+100 to km 63+700 and from km 64+200 to km 65+500 ANAS S.p.A. EIA Screening info Project documents
42,0 MW onshore wind farm of "Poggio Imperiale" and related infrastructures Renvico Italy S.r.l. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
A24 motorway - Tornimparte-L'Aquila Ovest section - Seismic adjustment of 14 viaducts Strada dei Parchi S.p.A. EIA Screening info Project documents
39.6 MW onshore wind farm "Forentum" in the municipality of Lavello (PZ) - Spostamento stazione utenza, cabina smistamento e 1 aerogeneratore BEL LAVELLO VI. GI. S.r.l. Preliminary assessment info Project documents
"Punta Corna" research permit for cobalt, silver, nickel and associated minerals Energia Minerals (Italia) S.r.l. Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
"M. Arlotta" Airport of Taranto-Grottaglie - Master Plan (2030) ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Hydroelectric facility of Agosta (RM) Ing. Ferdinando Milanetti Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Cervignano-Mortara DN 1400 (56") DP 75 bar gas pipeline and connected works SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents