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CReIAMO PA Project - International workshop on transparency and participation in Environmental Assessments - Rome, 29 October 2019



On 29 October 2019 the workshop "National and international experiences for transparency and public participation in environmental assessments: towards a shared Charter of principles" will be held in Rome, Palazzetto Venezia - Piazza di San Marco 51.

Experts of national and international level will discuss about innovative paths to strengthen information, consultation and participation processes in Environmental Assessments. Starting from the Charter of Principles for transparency and participation in Environmental Assessments, carried out as part of the CReIAMO PA Project of the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea the debate will involve international and national institutions and bodies, central and regional administrations, universities, associations and stakeholders.

Opening speeches by the Minister of the Environment Sergio Costa and the President of the Italian Society for International Organization, Franco Frattini will open the works.

Speeches by the Director-General of the Directorate for Environmental Assessments and Authorizations of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, Giuseppe Lo Presti and of the President of Sogesid S.p.A., Enrico Biscaglia will follow.

The workshop is included in the Project activities AQS1.4 Transparency and Participation of the LQS1 Intervention Line.


Registration form

Charter of Principles

Information brochure 

Subscription form


Carmen Giannino, Evaluation and analysis Centre for the planning of the Cohesion Policy Department - Presidency of the Council of Ministers

"Analysis and participatory evaluation in public policies"

Gerardo de Luzenberger, Global Board of International Association of Facilitators, in charge of the Professional Development

"Key Facilitation techniques and instruments"

Ilaria Casillo, Commission National du Débat Public, Francia

"The French experience about the Débat Public"

Alexandros Koudilis, Ministry of Environment and Energy - Greece

"The involvement of the public in the Environmental Assessments of plans and projects in Greece"

Giuseppe Magro, International Association for Impact Assessment

"Communication and participation in the digital age"

Lucia Sonia Paolini, Legal Office for Territory and SEA, Directorate-General for Civil Protection - Lombardy Region

"A road map for testing the Charter of Principles in Lombardy Region"

Paola Carnevale, Department of Territory, Environment, Infrastructure and Transport, deputy Directorate of Environment - Environmental impact assessment and sustainable development Area - Liguria Region

"Public Enquiry in Liguria Region"

Valerio Marroni - Rosanna Zavattini, Environmental Impact Assessment Service and Environmental sustainability promotion, Directorate-General for territory and environment care - Emilia Romagna Region

"Participation in the decision-making processes in the new planning in Emilia Romagna Region"