Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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New 380 kV power line between the pylon 90 of the existing power line Laino-Rossano 1 and the exisitng Altomonte electrical substation


(n.82) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Tavola dei Siti di interesse archeologico EIA Report - Environmental framework TAV-ARCH-001 26/06/2013 25000 202618 kB Metadata Download
Fotoinserimenti EIA Report - Environmental framework PSRAR109033-001 26/06/2013 - 5936 kB Metadata Download
Relazione paesaggistica EIA Report - Environmental framework PSRAR109033-002 26/06/2013 - 6283 kB Metadata Download
Tav inquadramento paesaggistico EIA Report - Environmental framework PSRAR109033-003 26/06/2013 100000 12937 kB Metadata Download
Tav qualità paesaggistica EIA Report - Environmental framework PSRAR109033-004 26/06/2013 25000 5066 kB Metadata Download
Tav uso del suolo e vegetazione EIA Report - Environmental framework PSRAR109033-005 26/06/2013 25000 5584 kB Metadata Download
Tav vincoli EIA Report - Environmental framework PSRAR109033-006 26/06/2013 25000 5112 kB Metadata Download
Tav intervisibilità EIA Report - Environmental framework PSRAR109033-007 26/06/2013 25000 5308 kB Metadata Download
Elettrodotto ST 380kV Laino - Altomonte 2 - COROGRAFIA 1:25000 con tracciato ed opere attraversate Project documentation DEFR06003BGL00004 26/06/2013 1:25000 3574 kB Metadata Download
Ortofoto in scala 1:10000 Project documentation DEFR06003BGL00005 26/06/2013 1:10000 59791 kB Metadata Download