Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Reorganization of the electricity network HV/ UHV in the metropolitan area of Rome - Southwest Quadrant


(n.1120) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Avviso al Pubblico del 06/08/2020 11d0ac0b-b097-49ca-b16a-f8790e7e07be_bin_flag_false_isDatiSensibili_false.pdf Notices to the Public MATTM/2020/62083 06/08/2020 - 364 kB Metadata Download
Richiesta integrazioni del 30/03/2018 DVA_2018-0007701.pdf Supplementary documentation request DVA-2018-0007701 04/04/2018 - 1656 kB Metadata Download
Avviso al pubblico del 14/11/2018 DVA-0025633.pdf Notices to the Public DVA-0025633 14/11/2018 - 152 kB Metadata Download
Allegato del Decreto del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica - Parere Regione Lazio del 27/07/2022 MATTM_2021-0113037.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM-2021-0082188 21/04/2022 - 569 kB Metadata Download
Richiesta di integrazioni del 26/01/2016 DVA_2016-0001853.pdf Supplementary documentation request DVA-2016-0001853 26/02/2016 - 67 kB Metadata Download
Allegato del Decreto del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica - Parere CTVA del 29/10/2022 CTVA-00_2021-0005516.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism PRR n169 21/04/2022 - 1366 kB Metadata Download
Allegato al Decreto del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica - Parere MIC del 28/12/2021 MATTM_2021-0146243.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MATTM-2021-0146243 21/04/2022 - 11397 kB Metadata Download
Decreto del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica - Riassetto della Rete Elettrica AT nell'area metropolitana di Roma - Quadrante Sud - Ovest." DM_2022-0000034.pdf Decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security in concert with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism DM-2022-0000034 20/04/2022 - 703 kB Metadata Download
Integrazioni allo studio di impatto ambientale REES07001BASA00043.pdf General documentation REES07001BASA00043 22/10/2013 - 1119 kB Metadata Download
Nota MiBAC prot. 20668 lettera_MiBAC.pdf General documentation NT-MIBAC-20668 22/10/2013 - 156 kB Metadata Download