Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Railway Potenza-Foggia. Upgrading subproject 2. Railway electrification, adjustment of the railway line, level crossing suppression and consolidation of railway.


(n.1334) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title Section Code Date Scale Size
Galleria Quattrocchi imbocco Nord da km 96+193 a Km 96+697 - Plano Profilo EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D13L7IF0001008A 08/05/2015 0,736111111 33402 kB Metadata Download
Galleria Quattrocchi imbocco Sud da km 98+251 a Km 98+455 - Plano Profilo EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D13L7IF0001009A 08/05/2015 0,736111111 30190 kB Metadata Download
Galleria Viggiani da km 113+671 a Km 11+852 - Plano Profilo EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D13L7IF0001010A 08/05/2015 0,736111111 28815 kB Metadata Download
Galleria Camposanto da km 115+826 a Km 115+994 - Plano Profilo EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D13L7IF0001011A 08/05/2015 0,736111111 37638 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D13PZNV1500001A 08/05/2015 VARIE 926 kB Metadata Download
Profilo EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D13FZNV1500001A 08/05/2015 VARIE 459 kB Metadata Download
Elettrificazione linea esistente - Sezione tipo in rilevato e trincea - Tav. 1 di 2 EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D11WZIF0001001A 08/05/2015 Varie 705 kB Metadata Download
Elettrificazione linea esistente - Sezione tipo in rilevato e trincea - Tav. 2 di 2 EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X01D11WZIF0001002A 08/05/2015 Varie 873 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria di Progetto con dati di tracciamento EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X02D13PZNV0100001A 08/05/2015 VARIE 7385 kB Metadata Download
Profilo Longitudinale EIA Report - Project design framework IA0X02D13FZNV0100001A 08/05/2015 VARIE 7034 kB Metadata Download