Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Drilling of the gaseous hydrocarbons exploration well "Viconovo 1dir" within the hydrocarbons exploration permit "Ponte del Diavolo"


(n.34) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Integrazioni del 04/12/2018 - Relazione ALN_INtegrazioniViconovo_final.pdf Voluntary supplementary documentation INT-VOL-001 10/12/2018 - 3963 kB Metadata Download
Integrazioni del 04/12/2018 - Figure All_1_Figure.pdf Voluntary supplementary documentation INT-VOL-002 10/12/2018 - 4632 kB Metadata Download
Integrazioni del 04/12/2018 - Discariche All_2_Discariche.pdf Voluntary supplementary documentation INT-VOL-003 10/12/2018 - 100 kB Metadata Download
Integrazioni del 04/12/2018 - Piano gestione rifiuti All_3_Piano_gestione_rifiuti_Viconovo.pdf Voluntary supplementary documentation INT-VOL-004 10/12/2018 - 1056 kB Metadata Download
Integrazioni del 04/12/2018 - Schede sicurezza fanghi All_4_Schede_sicurezza_fanghi.pdf Voluntary supplementary documentation INT-VOL-005 10/12/2018 - 9673 kB Metadata Download
Rapporto tecnico RTG_01.pdf Project documentation EL-PRG-001 20/11/2017 - 347 kB Metadata Download
Corografia generale 01_COROGRAFIA_GEN.pdf Project documentation EL-PRG-002 20/11/2017 - 805 kB Metadata Download
Carta Tecnica Regionale 1/2 02_CTR-25000.pdf Project documentation EL-PRG-003 20/11/2017 1:25.000 2342 kB Metadata Download
Carta Tecnica Regionale 2/2 03_CTR_5000.pdf Project documentation EL-PRG-004 20/11/2017 1:5.000 4177 kB Metadata Download
Planimetria catastale 04_CATA.pdf Project documentation EL-PRG-005 20/11/2017 - 285 kB Metadata Download