Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Progetto di un impianto agrivoltaico di potenza pari a 40,07 MW, e delle relative opere di connessione alla RTN, da realizzarsi nel Comune di Cerignola (FG), in località "Tavoletta".


(n.297) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment (PNIEC-PNRR)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Unifilare Elettrico MT-BT D14_W32BUA4_Unifilare_Elettrico_MT-BT-signed.pdf Project documentation D14-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1629 kB Metadata Download
Schema a Blocchi D15_W32BUA4_Schema_a_Blocchi-signed.pdf Project documentation D15-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1237 kB Metadata Download
Layout Imp.FV D16_W32BUA4_Layout_Imp_FV-signed.pdf Project documentation D16-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 6665 kB Metadata Download
Elab strut supporto FV F13_W32BUA4_Elab_strut_supporto_FV-signed.pdf Project documentation F13-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 2429 kB Metadata Download
Elab strut Cabina sottocampo F14_W32BUA4_Elab_strut_Cabina_sottocampo-signed.pdf Project documentation F14-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1915 kB Metadata Download
Elab strut Cabine elettriche F15_W32BUA4_Elab_strut_Cabine_elettriche-signed.pdf Project documentation F15-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1766 kB Metadata Download
Elab strut Cabina SSE F16_W32BUA4_Elab_strut_Cabina_SSE-signed.pdf Project documentation F16-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1651 kB Metadata Download
Elab strut Fond TG2021 F17_W32BUA4_Elab_strut_Fond_TG2021-signed.pdf Project documentation F17-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1537 kB Metadata Download
Elab strut Fond TG2022 F18_W32BUA4_Elab_strut_Fond_TG2022-signed.pdf Project documentation F18-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1552 kB Metadata Download
Elab strut Fond TG2003 F19_W32BUA4_Elab_strut_Fond_TG2003-signed.pdf Project documentation F19-W32BUA4 16/09/2022 - 1556 kB Metadata Download