Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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"Taccu sa Pruna" - Impianto di Accumulo Idroelettrico mediante pompaggio ad alta flessibilità


(n.957) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment (PNIEC-PNRR)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Carta del rischio archeologico relativo G929_ARCH_T_003_Carta_rischio_archeo_rel_7-10_REV00-signed-signed.pdf Landscape Report G929-ARCH-T-003-Carta-rischio-archeo-rel 15/09/2022 - 2469 kB Metadata Download
Carta del rischio archeologico relativo G929_ARCH_T_003_Carta_rischio_archeo_rel_8-10_REV00-signed-signed.pdf Landscape Report G929-ARCH-T-003-Carta-rischio-archeo-rel 15/09/2022 - 2532 kB Metadata Download
Carta del rischio archeologico relativo G929_ARCH_T_003_Carta_rischio_archeo_rel_9-10_REV00-signed-signed.pdf Landscape Report G929-ARCH-T-003-Carta-rischio-archeo-rel 15/09/2022 - 2827 kB Metadata Download
Piano preliminare di utilizzo in sito delle terre e rocce da scavo escluse dalla disciplina dei rifiuti P0030780-1-H3.pdf Excavated material usage Plan P0030780-1-H3 15/09/2022 - 2711 kB Metadata Download
Analisi Ambientali 2022 P0030780-1-H3_Appendice_A.pdf Excavated material usage Plan P0030780-1-H3-Appendice-A 15/09/2022 - 496 kB Metadata Download
INQUADRAMENTO TERRITORIALE P0030780-1-H3_Figura_1_1.pdf Excavated material usage Plan P0030780-1-H3-Figura-1.1 15/09/2022 - 1420 kB Metadata Download
COROGRAFIA DELLE NUOVE OPERE P0030780-1-H3_Figura_1_2.pdf Excavated material usage Plan P0030780-1-H3-Figura-1.2 15/09/2022 - 2232 kB Metadata Download
CRONOPROGRAMMA P0030780-1-H3_Figura_3_1.pdf Excavated material usage Plan P0030780-1-H3-Figura-3.1 15/09/2022 - 2454 kB Metadata Download
AREE DI CANTIERE E VIABILITÀ P0030780-1-H3_Figura_4_1.pdf Excavated material usage Plan P0030780-1-H3-Figura-4.1 15/09/2022 - 1450 kB Metadata Download
CARTA DELL'USO DEL SUOLO P0030780-1-H3_Figura_5_1.pdf Excavated material usage Plan P0030780-1-H3-Figura-5.1 15/09/2022 - 1732 kB Metadata Download