Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Compliance Determinations (starting from January 2013)


Results (1253)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
Rome's GRA ring road - Adaptation of the third lane in each direction Lots 16, 17, 17b, 18b, 19, 22a, 23b ANAS S.p.A. 26/04/2017
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Raddoppio della variante S.S. 268 "del Vesuvio" 2° lotto tratto Cercola-Torre Annunziata ANAS S.p.A. 21/04/2017
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Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C17.TO - Bonaccia NW Project ENI S.p.A. 05/04/2017
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Terminale rigassificazione GNL al largo delle coste toscane OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. 04/04/2017
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Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession B.C13.AS - "Clara NW" project ENI S.p.A. Divisione Exploration & Production 03/04/2017
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Centrale nucleare di Borgo Sabotino (Latina), Attività di decommissioning - disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito SOGIN S.p.A. 03/04/2017
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Impianto Cemex di solidificazione di rifiuti radioattivi liquidi e deposito manufatti di III categoria dell'Eurex di Saluggia (VC) SOGIN S.p.A. 03/04/2017
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Elettrodotto a 380 kV in doppia terna, "Villanova-Gissi" ed opere connesse Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. 24/03/2017
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380kV double circuit power line ES Udine Ovest - ES Redipuglia and related works Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. 21/03/2017
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380kV double circuit power line ES Udine Ovest - ES Redipuglia and related works Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. 20/03/2017
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