Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Compliance Determinations (starting from January 2013)


Results (1253)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
Ripotenziamento centrale termoelettrica esistente da 280 MW termici circa nel comune di Sarmato (PC) SARMATO ENERGIA S.p.A. 04/12/2017
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Submarine pipeline between Lake Fusaro in the municipality of Bacoli (NA) and the Punta San Pietro in the municipality of Ischia (NA) Ischia gas S.r.l. 28/11/2017
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Centrale Termoelettrica da 2640 MW di Torrevaldaliga Nord nel Comune di Civitavecchia (RM) ENEL S.p.A. 28/11/2017
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Sealine and buoys for unloading diesel and petrol tankers off the port of Pescara Abruzzo Costiero S.r.l. 27/11/2017
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Centrale da 1460 MW nel Comune di Vado Ligure (SV) - Trasformazione in ciclo combinato delle Sezioni 1 e 2. Tirreno Power S.p.A. 22/11/2017
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Trans Adriatic Pipeline - Albania-Italy pipeline Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG 21/11/2017
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380kV double circuit power line Chiaramonte Gulfi - Ciminna and related works Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. 20/11/2017
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Trans Adriatic Pipeline - Albania-Italy pipeline Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG 20/11/2017
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Trans Adriatic Pipeline - Albania-Italy pipeline Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG 15/11/2017
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Trans Adriatic Pipeline - Albania-Italy pipeline Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG 10/11/2017
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