Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Projects - EIA: Search by procedure

Projects (8556)

Project Developer Procedure
Solar thermodynamic plant of 55 MWe gross power output named "Gonnosfanadiga" and related works Gonnosfanadiga Limited LTD Environmental Impact Assessment info Project documents
Modifications to the IGCC plant - Changing the CCPP natural gas combined cycle of the industrial site of Falconara Marittima (AN) Api Energia S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Hydrocarbons exploitation concession d38A.C-AG resulting from the exploration permit A.R90.AG Project Fauzia ENI S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Metanodotto Massafra-Biccari DN 1200 mm (48") P = 75 bar SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Potenziamento Cremona-Sergnano DN1200 (48") P=75 bar lunghezza 49,980 Km e allacciamenti/derivazioni di vari diametri per una lunghezza complessiva pari a 21,455 Km SNAM RETE GAS S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons exploitation concession (d29B.C-AG) resulting from the exploration permit B.R250.EA Project Elettra ENI S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents
Lavori di ammodernamento in nuova sede della S.S.106 Jonica: tratto Palizzi (Km 50+00)-Caulonia (Km 123+800), Lotti 6-7-8 compreso lo svincolo di Marina di Gioiosa Jonica - 1° Megalotto ANAS S.p.A. Unsubstantial project changes (Strategic works Law 443/2001) info Project documents
Construction of the intermodal logistical platform Tremestieri and port of call- First functional stage Nuova CO.ED.MAR. s.r.l. EIA Screening info Project documents
Coltivazione di idrocarburi D.C.4AG - Sviluppo giacimento Hera Lacina in località Capocolonna in comune di Crotone (KR) Jonica Gas SpA EIA Compliance info Project documents
Brenner motorway. Extension to third lane from Verona nord at km 223 to the intersection with the A1 motorway at the km 314 Autrostrade del Brennero S.p.A. EIA Compliance info Project documents