On 18 December 2017 the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of the Montenegro Republic announced that the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs of Montenegro was starting a public consultation on the Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Montenegro (2018-2035), asking Italy to notify its interest in participating to the transboundary consultations
On 22 December 2017, the Italian Ministry of Environment, as provided for by the Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary context, submitted its comments to the Republic and Cantone Ticino regarding the project of the landfill for inert waste in the municipality of Stabio (Cantone Ticino) together with the comments submitted by other Public Authorities.
Con risoluzione del 10 novembre 2017 il Dipartimento del Territorio della Repubblica e Cantone Ticino ha provveduto al deposito presso la cancelleria del Comune di Stabio della documentazione inerente alla Discarica per materiali inerti nel comune di Stabio (Cantone Ticino), il termine per la consultazione pubblica è per il 16 dicembre 2017.
National Electricity Transmission Grid 2013, 2014 and 2015 Development Plans approved
The Ministry of the Environment, within the SEA National Electricity Transmission Grid 2013, 2014 and 2015 Development Plans, announces that the Ministry of Economic Development approved the SEA National Electricity Transmission Grid 2013, 2014 and 2015 Development Plans with decree of 20 November 2017.
The European Commission has published the new guidelines for screening and scoping procedures and for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study under the new provisions introduced by 2014/52/EU directive, of considerable relevance in order to ensure the proper and effective implementation of the new provisions introduced by Legislative Decree 104/2017.
Linee guida per la redazione dei Piani Regolatori di Sistema Portuale
Le Linee guida per la redazione dei Piani Regolatori di Sistema Portuale sono state predisposte dal Ministero Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, su proposta del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici, per la gestione del nuovo strumento di pianificazione delle Autorità di Sistema Portuale “Piano Regolatore di Sistema Portuale (PRdSP)”.
On 24 July 2017, the Italian Ministry of Environment, as provided for by Directive 2001/42/EC and SEA Protocol to the Espoo Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context, submitted its comments to the Republic of Croatia regarding the Transport Development Strategy together with the Region of Marche comments.
On 5 April 2017 the Ministry of the Environment and Nature Protection of the Croatia Republic informed Italy that “Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia (2016 - 2030)” was under preparation, asking Italy to notify its interest in participating to the transboundary consultations according to the provisions of Kiev Protocol and to the directive 2001/42/CE.
The Ministry of the Environment - General Directorate for waste and pollution jointly to the Ministry of Economic Development notified the start of the SEA public consultation stage, pursuant to article 14 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments, for the National Programme for spent fuel and radioactive waste management.
Transboundary consultations on the Program of Exploring and Exploiting Hydrocarbons in the Ionian sea, Greece - Comments submitted to the Hellenic Republic