Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Drilling of the Gorgoglione 3 well within the exploitation concession named "Gorgoglione"


(n.222) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Strategic works Law 443/2001)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
GG-3 - Relazione tecnica sugli scenari acustici IT-TPR-WS-SID-000442_02.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000442-02 20/12/2016 - 3407 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Computo metrico ed estimativo preliminare: Piazzale - Strada - Flowline IT-TPR-WS-SID-000443_03.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000443-03 20/12/2016 - 1625 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Riepilogo movimento terre: Piazzale - strada - flowline IT-TPR-WS-SID-000444_04.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000444-04 20/12/2016 - 1465 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Relazione geologica IT-TPR-WS-SID-000445_04.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000445-04 20/12/2016 - 6491 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Piano di indagini geologiche e idrogeologiche IT-TPR-WS-SID-000446_03.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000446-03 20/12/2016 - 1341 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Planimetria dei siti: Cave - Dumping - Discariche IT-TPR-WS-SID-000447_02.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000447-02 20/12/2016 1:25.000 2459 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Relazione sulla gestione dei materiali di cantiere IT-TPR-WS-SID-000448_03.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000448-03 20/12/2016 - 2814 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Area Pozzo: Immagine digitalizzate stato di fatrto piazzale IT-TPR-WS-SID-000449_02.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000449-02 20/12/2016 - 1648 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Area Pozzo: Fotoinserimento Rendering 3D: PERFORAZIONE IT-TPR-WS-SID-000450_02.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000450-02 20/12/2016 - 5381 kB Metadata Download
GG-3 - Area Pozzo: Fotoinserimento Rendering 3D: ALLESTIMENTO FINALE IT-TPR-WS-SID-000451_02.pdf Project documentation IT-TPR-WS-SID-000451-02 20/12/2016 - 5344 kB Metadata Download