Title | File name | Section | Code | Date | Scale | Size | Metadata | download |
Osservazioni del Ministero della Cultura - Direzione Generale Archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio Roma in data 01/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0082400.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0082400 | 26/07/2022 | - | 85 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni del Ministero dei Beni Culturali - Soprintendenza archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio per le Province di L'Aquila e Taramo in data 01/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0082536.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0082536 | 26/07/2022 | - | 124 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni del Ministero dei Beni Culturali - Parco Archeologico di Ercolano in data 04/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0082943.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0082943 | 26/07/2022 | - | 99 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Ente ARPA Piemonte in data 05/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0083552.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0083552 | 26/07/2022 | - | 76 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Ente ARPA Basilicata in data 05/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0083699.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0083699 | 26/07/2022 | - | 195 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Ente ARPA Basilicata in data 05/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0083698.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0083698 | 26/07/2022 | - | 195 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni della Regione Toscana - Giunta Regionale in data 07/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0084916.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0084916 | 26/07/2022 | - | 141 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni dell'Ente ARPA Campania in data 07/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0084633.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0084633 | 26/07/2022 | - | 214 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni della Regione Marche in data 07/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0084990.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0084990 | 27/07/2022 | - | 206 kB | Metadata | Download |
Osservazioni della Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Agenzia provinciale per la protezione dell'ambiente in data 07/07/2022 | MiTE-2022-0084984.pdf | Opinions of the authorities with environmental competences | MiTE-2022-0084984 | 27/07/2022 | - | 66 kB | Metadata | Download |