Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Notices to the public

 Notices to the public related to the EIA Screening procedures started before the 16th of May 2017.

Notices (100)

Project Pubblication date Deadline for submission of comments
Progetto di fattibilità tecnica ed economica dell''elettrificazione della linea Albate-Molteno-Lecco, Tratta Albate-Camerlata-Molteno 14/05/2024 22/05/2024 Info and procedures documents Download
Completamento infrastruttura al Porto di Vasto interventi di potenziamento ed ampliamento - fase 1. banchina levante/molo martello/molo sopraflutto. CUP E37H21010820006 - CIG 9365148C9A 17/11/2023 17/12/2023 Info and procedures documents Download
Svincolo di Scandicci: allacciamento A1 - S.G.C. Firenze-Pisa-Livorno - Viabilità urbana. 22/03/2022 21/04/2022 Info and procedures documents Download
Rifacimento dorsale acquedottistica della Val Nure: Fasi 1-2-3. Tracciato in sponda Nure 28/01/2022 27/02/2022 Info and procedures documents Download
A4 motorway - Plan for Road Safety - Construction of 2 parking areas for heavy vehicles - Fratta nord and Fratta sud parking areas 23/04/2018 07/06/2018 Info and procedures documents Download
Rationalization of the 220 kV electricity grid in the municipality of Terni - Air shifting of the Pietrafitta-Villavalle power line (Borgo Rivo, Campitello and Fontana di Polo) along the line of the closed Villavalle-San Dalmazio power line 25/01/2018 11/03/2018 Info and procedures documents Download
Trans Adriatic Pipeline - Albania-Italy pipeline 09/08/2017 23/09/2017 Info and procedures documents Download
850 MWe combined cycle thermal power plant in Presenzano and related works 01/08/2017 15/09/2017 Info and procedures documents Download
150 kV single circuit overhead power line "S. Procopio - Palmi Sud" and demolition of the existing power line (Rationalization of the high voltage electricity grid in Reggio Calabria) 21/07/2017 09/09/2017 Info and procedures documents Download
Port of Livorno - Restoration of the basin around the Marzocco tower 28/06/2017 12/08/2017 Info and procedures documents Download