Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Progetto definitivo della Direttrice ferroviaria Messina-Catania-Palermo, Nuovo Collegamento Palermo-Catania. Lotto3: tratta Lercara Diramazione-Caltanissetta Xirbi


(n.4778) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment (PNIEC-PNRR)

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Carpenteria Spalla B - tav. 1 di 2 09_162.pdf Project documentation 09-162 13/10/2021 - 398 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Spalla B - tav. 2 di 2 09_163.pdf Project documentation 09-163 13/10/2021 - 376 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P1, P2, P3 09_164.pdf Project documentation 09-164 13/10/2021 - 554 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P4, P5, P6 09_165.pdf Project documentation 09-165 13/10/2021 - 552 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P7, P8, P9 09_166.pdf Project documentation 09-166 13/10/2021 - 552 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P10 09_167.pdf Project documentation 09-167 13/10/2021 - 551 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P11 09_168.pdf Project documentation 09-168 13/10/2021 - 558 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P12 09_169.pdf Project documentation 09-169 13/10/2021 - 547 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P13 09_170.pdf Project documentation 09-170 13/10/2021 - 552 kB Metadata Download
Carpenteria Pila P14 09_171.pdf Project documentation 09-171 13/10/2021 - 546 kB Metadata Download