Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA Compliance Determinations (starting from January 2013)


Results (1254)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
New electrical substation 380/150 kV of Vizzini, overhead 380/150 kV connections to the National Transmission Grid and related works Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. 06/07/2022
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Alghero Airport - Expansion and reconfiguration of the airport road network, construction of the new arrivals hall and intermediate link ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile 30/06/2022
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Railway Potenza-Foggia. Upgrading subproject 2. Railway electrification, adjustment of the railway line, level crossing suppression and consolidation of railway. Italferr S.p.A. 30/06/2022
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Ammodernamento della S.S. 195 Sulcitana tratto Cagliari - Pula ANAS S.p.A. Compartimento Sardegna 30/06/2022
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Strada delle Tre Valli Umbre: tratto Eggi (Spoleto)-Acquasparta Regione Umbria - Servizio Infrastrutture per la Mobilità e i Trasporti 30/06/2022
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Impianto Cemex di solidificazione di rifiuti radioattivi liquidi e deposito manufatti di III categoria dell'Eurex di Saluggia (VC) SOGIN S.p.A. 20/06/2022
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LPG coastal deposit in Marghera - 32.000 mc of storage Venice LNG S.p.A. 20/06/2022
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Attività di decommissioning disattivazione accelerata per il rilascio incondizionato del sito dell'impianto nucleare di Caorso SOGIN S.p.A. 20/06/2022
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New electrical substation 380/150 kV of Vizzini, overhead 380/150 kV connections to the National Transmission Grid and related works Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. 20/06/2022
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Trans Adriatic Pipeline - Albania-Italy pipeline Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG 20/06/2022
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