On 29/01/2018 the Directorate General for Environmental Assessments and Authorizations of the Ministry of the Environment (MATTM) and the Directorate General Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development of the Lombardy Region signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU).
On 29/01/2018 the Directorate General for Environmental Assessments and Authorizations of the Ministry of the Environment (MATTM) and the Directorate for Agriculture, Environment, Energy, Culture, Cultural Heritage and Entertainment of Umbria Region signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU).
The Directorate-General for the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations of the Ministry of the Environment has issued the Directorial Decree no. 48 of 5 February 2018 on the contents of forms for the submission of the check list for the preliminary assessment, provided for in Article 6, paragraph 9, of the legislative decree n. 152/2006, of wind farms.
Tariffs to be paid by the developers for the SEA and EIA procedures
On 4 January 2018 the Interministerial Decree between Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy and Finance related to the tariffs to be paid by the developers relating to the environmental assessment procedures under article 33 of Legislative Decree no.152 of 3 April 2006" has been issued.
With the Interministerial Decree n. 2 of 4 January 2018, registered at the Central Budget Office on 10 January 2018, the running costs of the Technical Verification Committee of Environmental Impact - EIA and SEA and of the Technical support Committee, including their remuneration, have been established.
Ministerial Decree no. 342 of 13 December 2017, laying down the structure, organization and methods of operation of the Technical Verification Committee of Environmental Impact - EIA and SEA and of the Technical support Committee and the regulation of situations of non-transferability, incompatibility and conflict of interests, has been registered at the Court of Auditors.
From the 22 of January 2018, the General Directorate for the Environmental Assessments and Authorizations will publish on the SEA-EIA Portal the opinions of the Technical Verification Committee of Environmental Impact - EIA and SEA issued for the SEA and EIA procedures immediately following the approval by plenary session.
The Ministry of the Environment, under the SEA Procedure carried out by the ROP 14-20 Managing authority of Region of Marche on the amendment of the Operative Program founded by ERDF, has submitted to the regional competent Authority, its comments on the SEA Report – Addendum, in accordance with article 14 of Legislative Decree n.152/2006.
The Ministry of the Environment, under the SEA Procedure carried out by the Region of Friuli Venezia-Giulia on the Regional Landscape Plan, has submitted to the regional competent Authority, its comments on the SEA Report.
SEA implementation Report for 2017 in Italy - Data 2016
The Ministry of the Environment, has issued the SEA implementation Report for 2017 in Italy – Data 2016. The Report collects and analyses SEA procedures closed in 2016, at state, regional and local level.