Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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CA 12 _S.S.195 "SULCITANA" Completamento Itinerario Cagliari - Pula - Lotto 2. Collegamento con la S.S. 130 e Aeroporto Cagliari Elmas. Progetto Definitivo (dal Km 21+488,70 al Km 23+900,00). Conferenza di Servizi art.81 del D.P.R. n°616/77 - D.P.R. 18 aprile 1994 n. 383. D.Lgs.30 giugno 2016, n. 127.


(n.247) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
T00SI00SICES03A T00SI00SICES03A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICES03A 21/04/2021 - 363 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPL01A T00SI00SICPL01A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPL01A 21/04/2021 - 4174 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPL02A T00SI00SICPL02A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPL02A 21/04/2021 - 14245 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPL03A T00SI00SICPL03A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPL03A 21/04/2021 - 14355 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPL04A T00SI00SICPL04A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPL04A 21/04/2021 - 14726 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPL05A T00SI00SICPL05A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPL05A 21/04/2021 - 14602 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPL06A T00SI00SICPL06A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPL06A 21/04/2021 - 5811 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPL07A T00SI00SICPL07A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPL07A 21/04/2021 - 4627 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPO01A T00SI00SICPO01A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPO01A 21/04/2021 - 11789 kB Metadata Download
T00SI00SICPU01A T00SI00SICPU01A.pdf Project documentation T00SI00SICPU01A 21/04/2021 - 7738 kB Metadata Download