Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Porto di Trapani - Lavori di salpamento della Diga Ronciglio, dragaggio dei fondali antistanti e messa in esercizio delle banchine a ponente dello Sporgente Ronciglio


(n.128) Documents of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Title File name Section Code Date Scale Size
Elaborati componente biodiversità SIA-AL-BIO-CT-01-01-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-AL-BIO-CT-01-01-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 7887 kB Metadata Download
Elaborati componenti terriotorio e acqua SIA-AL-GEO-CT-01-01-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-AL-GEO-CT-01-01-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 4085 kB Metadata Download
Elaborati componente paesaggio SIA-AL-PAE-CT-01-01-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-AL-PAE-CT-01-01-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 6192 kB Metadata Download
Elaborati generali SIA-AL-PRG-CT-01-01-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-AL-PRG-CT-01-01-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 3611 kB Metadata Download
Elaborati componente rumore SIA-AL-RUM-CT-01-01-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-AL-RUM-CT-01-01-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 2608 kB Metadata Download
Studio di impatto ambientale SIA-PU-AMB-RE-01-01-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-PU-AMB-RE-01-01-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 6346 kB Metadata Download
Dichiarazione Estensore Studio di impatto ambientale SIA-PU-AMB-RE-01-01_B-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-PU-AMB-RE-01-01-B-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 992 kB Metadata Download
Elaborati componente atmosfera SIA-PU-ATM-CT-01-01-signed-signed.pdf General documentation SIA-PU-ATM-CT-01-01-signed-signed 08/02/2022 - 1446 kB Metadata Download
Integrazioni del 24/10/2022 - Documento di risposta alle integrazioni SIA-IN-AMB-RE-01_Documento_di_risposta_alle_integrazioni.pdf Supplementary documentation SIA-IN-AMB-RE-01 31/10/2022 - 14398 kB Metadata Download
Integrazioni del 24/10/2022 - Atti amministrativi SIA-IN-AMM-RE-01_Atti_amministrativi.pdf Supplementary documentation SIA-IN-AMM-RE-01 31/10/2022 - 2832 kB Metadata Download