Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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EIA follow-up Determinations - art.185 Legislative Decree 163/2006 - Strategic works Law 443/2001

The EIA Follow-up, which concludes the impact assessment of strategic projects of major national interest, consists of PHASE 1, aimed at verifying the adequacy of the final construction design to the final draft and the compliance with the prescriptions laid down regarding the design aspects, and PHASE 2, aimed at monitoring the environmental effects of the project and at fulfilling the prescriptions to be implemented during the construction and operation phases.
During the two phases more decisions can be issued.


Results (160)

Project Developer Date and number Outcome
Itinerario Agrigento - Caltanissetta - A19 SS640 di Porto Empedocle. Ammodernamento ed adeguamento alla cat.B del D.M.05.11.2001 - 2° tratto dal km44+000 allo svincolo con la A19. ANAS S.p.A. 17/12/2019
DEC 436
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Autostrada Salerno - Reggio Calabria. Lavori di ammodernamento e di adeguamento al tipo 1/a delle Norme C.N.R./80 del tratto compreso tra il km 411+400 ed il km 442+920 ANAS S.p.A. 05/12/2019
DEC 420
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V.O. Nuovo collegamento ferroviario Torino-Lione , parte comune italo-francese, tratta in territorio italiano Lyon Turin Ferroviaire 21/11/2019
DEC 369
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HS/HC Milano-Genova "Terzo Valico dei Giovi" railway Consorzio COCIV 21/11/2019
DEC 367
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Asse Viario Marche Umbria e quadrilatero di penetrazione interna: SS. 77 Val di Chienti: Foligno-Pontelatrave; Allaccio S.S.77 - S.S. 3 a Foligno; Pedemontana Fabriano - Muccia Quadrilatero Marche - Umbria S.p.A. 21/10/2019
DEC 373
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Autostrada Salerno-Reggio Calabria: lavori di ammodernamento ed adeguamento al tipo 1/a delle norme CNR/80 Macrolotto 2 dal Km 108+000 al Km 139+000 - Lotti unificati 1-2-3-4-5 ANAS S.p.A. 30/08/2019
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Asse ferroviario "Palermo-Catania-Messina". Raddoppio della tratta ferroviaria Bicocca-Catenanuova Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. 07/08/2019
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Brenner Base Tunnel Galleria di Base del Brennero Brenner Basistunnel BBT-SE 29/07/2019
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Autostrada Salerno-Reggio Calabria - dal km 139+000 (Svincolo di Lauria escluso) al km 185+000 (svincolo di Morano escluso) ANAS S.p.A. 29/07/2019
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Railway line HS/HC Turin-Venice - Section Milan- Verona Consorzio CEPAV DUE 08/07/2019
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