Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Results (183)

  • 20120921_news_premio_bruno_agricola_logo


    Bruno Agricola Quality Award

    One year after the disappearance of Bruno Agricola, Director General of the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea the "Quality Award" was established in his honour in recognition of the activities of public administrations and professionals engaged in the field of environmental sustainability.

  • 20120831_news_mattm_logo_Trecate


    Sarpom Refinery in the municipality of Trecate - Reunification of EIA and IPPC procedures

    The Sarpom Company on the 8th of June 2012 presented the application for a preliminary environmental compatibility for the project "Changing management of the refinery in the Municipality of Trecate (NO)".

  • 20120731_news_workshop_lamezia_terme


    Workshop "Monitoring in environmental assessments"

    In collaboration with the Region of Calabria and the city of Lamezia Terme, the Directorate for Environmental Assessment has organized a workshop on "Monitoring in environmental assessments", as the beneficiary of the initiatives planned to rely on the specific Objective 5.5 of the Axis E of the National Operational Programme "Governance and System Actions" 2007-2013.

  • 20120629_news_seminario_ispra


    ISPRA Seminar on noise pollution and transport infrastructure

    The seminar aims to present the results of the activities carried out by ISPRA in the context of technical support to the Technical Verification Committee of Environmental Impact - SEA and EIA on the assessment of noise and vibration and on the noise monitoring of transport infrastructure.

  • 20120619_news_confindustria_una_carta_per_va


    Conference on Strategic Environmental Assessment

    The conference "SEA - A five-year period of application" organized by the National Consortium of Universities for Earth Resources Engineering (CINIGeo) and sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, which will be held at the University of Trieste on June 29 and 30, presents a synthesis report on the Strategic Environmental Assessment in Italy, almost five years after the entry into force of Part II of the Legislative Decree no. 152/2006.

  • 20120516_news_workshop_qualevia


    Workshop "What EIA for a better quality of the Environmental Assessments? Criticality, methods, tools"

    As part of the activities under the 2007-2013 National Operational Programme "Governance and System Actions", the Directorate-General for Environmental Assessment of the Ministry of the Environment has organized a workshop on the quality of the documents produced as part of the environmental assessment procedures, held in Naples on May 12.

  • 20120327_news_convegno_cem


    Conference "State of the art of environmental legislation on electromagnetic fields"

    On April 19th 2012 will be held in Rome the conference dedicated to the state of the art of environmental legislation on electromagnetic fields, organized by ISPRA, the University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Faculty of Engineering and the Italian Federation of Electrical, Electronics, Automation, Computer Science and Telecommunications (AEIT).

  • 20120313_news_confindustria_una_carta_per_va


    Conference "Integrated Risk - Definition, evaluation, management"

    rom the 14th to 16th of March will be held in Milan the conference "Integrated Risk - Definition, evaluation, management" organized by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with the Foundation "Lombardy for Environment" and the Ministry of the Environment.

  • 20120228_news_confindustria_una_carta_per_va


    National Conference Nimby Forum - Seventh Edition - Italy wants to change

    On the 2nd of March 2012 will take place in Rome the National Conference of "Nimby Forum" which will be presented as the results of the seventh edition of the Observatory Media Nimby Permanent Forum sponsored, among others, by the Ministry of the Environment Land and Sea and with the Minister Clini part of the Scientific Committee.

  • 20120227_news_confindustria_una_carta_per_va


    Workshop "Guidelines for the Environment and Landscape in infrastructure sectors" - Presentation of Volumes II and III

    ISPRA and CATAP (Coordination of Technical and Scientific Associations for the Environment and Land Management) present the Volumes II and III of the "Guidelines for the Environment and Landscape in infrastructure sectors" in the workshop to be held on the 30th of March in Rome at the University "La Sapienza".